Questionnaire for Pair Go's 25th Anniversary
Full Name   
First NameLast Name
Gender Male   female
Street Address

Street Address Line 2

CityState / Province

Postal / Zip CodeCountry
Tel. no.   
Area CodePhone Number
Email address

Confirm E-mail
Date of birth
Number of IAPGCs played in
*If you have played more than once, please indicate the most
recent one. Please give the other championships in the
Comments space below.
Present occupation
Your impressions of the IAPGCs
you played in

Your impressions about
our 25th anniversary

Your ideas about
staging the 25th IAPGC

If Please tell us any interesting stories
or episodes connected with Pair Go
that you know of. Do you know of any
couples who got married through
Pair Go?

Do you have any comments?
(Also, please give other years
you have played in the IAPGC.)

Please upload your recent photographs
(please send two photos: one face,
one any photo you like).

*If you can't send the photo even after pushing the "submit"
button, please change the file name of the photo and push the
"submit" button again. An alphabetic file name is desirable.
If you still can't send the photo, please send the photo by email to: (Please change the #-mark to @.)

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